
The Two Bands method

A drink every hour.  Every hour on the hour, from 7am to 10pm, drink a cup of something. It can be your coffee/tee in the morning. Or a cup of vitamin powder with water which is what I do in the morning. It can be a glass of juice after lunch. Every cup counts. You just need to know the time of your last cup. Suppose it's 11:15am and you don't remember if you had your 11am drink. The Two Bands method will help you remember. Get two rubber bands. I like to wear them on my watch. You can wear them on your wrist. It can be a hair band, a money band, a scrunchie, anything you like. Start of day: move two bands up on your wrist or watch. 7am drink: move one band down 8am drink: move the second band down 9am drink: move both bands up again 10am drink: move one band down again 11am drink: move the second band down again. I hope you get the idea. It's 10:30am and I forgot if I had my 10am drink. No problem. Just look at your bands:  Two bands up? Have a drink and ...

No need to carry a gallon jug with you

Myth: a gallon Poland Spring jug is all you need. So your fitness coach may have suggested the following: get a gallon Poland Spring jug. Fill it up in the morning. Carry it everywhere you go, the whole day. Sounds easy? Let's say you're late for work in the morning and don't have time to refill your jug. Will you buy another jug once you get to work? Let's say you meet a friend for a cup of coffee. So when you drink your cup, you need to spill a cup of water out of your water jug to account for the coffee. Still sounds easy? Who wants to carry around 8 pounds of water the whole day anyway? The Two Bands method will let you track your water intake with minimum trouble.

Why drink a gallon a day

Some people want to drink a gallon of water a day to fire up their metabolism. Some want to drink a gallon of milk a day to gain body weight. In any case, consult your nutritionist first. This website will help you track your water intake.